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Lapsang Souchong (Smoked) Black Tea

Lapsang Souchong (Smoked) Black Tea

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Lapsang Souchong, also known as Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong, is a Chinese black tea from the Fujian province of China, famous for its smoky aroma and flavor.

Legend has it that during the Qing Dynasty, an army unit passing through the village occupied a tea factory filled with fresh leaves waiting to be produced. When the workers were able to return to the factory, they realized that in order for their tea to reach the market on time, it was too late to dry the leaves in the usual way and open pine-wood fires were lit to speed up the drying. When the tea hit the market, the smoke flavor made a splash and a new product was born.

Sir Winston Churchill was a fan of this type of tea.

Tasting Notes

Lapsang Souchong is known for its bold and unmistakable flavor profile:
- Aroma: The dry leaves have a strong, smoky aroma reminiscent of a campfire or smoked wood, with underlying notes of pine resin and a hint of sweetness.
- Flavor: When brewed, the tea presents a full-bodied, smooth taste with dominant smoky notes complemented by hints of pine, dried fruit, and malt. There is a natural sweetness that balances the smokiness, creating a complex and layered flavor.
- Finish: The finish is long and warming, leaving a lingering smoky and slightly sweet aftertaste.

Health Benefits

Lapsang Souchong black tea provides several health benefits:
- Antioxidants: Rich in polyphenols, which help reduce oxidative stress and may lower the risk of chronic diseases.
- Digestive Health: Known to aid digestion and soothe the stomach.
- Cardiovascular Health: May help improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure.
- Mental Alertness: Contains caffeine, which enhances focus and mental clarity.
- Anti-inflammatory: The tea’s antioxidants may also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Brewing Tips

Chinese Gongfu Method (5oz / 150ml):

1. Tea Leaf-to-Water Ratio: Use approximately 5-7 grams of Lapsang Souchong Black Tea for 150 ml (5 oz) of water. This ratio allows for a higher concentration suitable for Gongfu brewing.

2. Water Temperature: Heat water to around 95-100°C (203-212°F). The high temperature helps to extract the bold flavors and smoky aroma characteristic of Lapsang Souchong.

3. Brewing Time:
   - First Infusion: Steep for about 20-30 seconds to start. This short initial steeping time allows the tea leaves to unfurl and release some flavor without over-extracting the strong smoky notes.
   - Subsequent Infusions: Increase the steeping time slightly for each subsequent infusion. For example, steep for 30-40 seconds for the second infusion, then adjust based on taste preference. Lapsang Souchong Black Tea can typically be steeped multiple times (3-4 infusions or more) using this method, with each infusion offering a nuanced balance of smokiness and tea flavor.

Cup Method (8.8oz / 250ml):

1. Tea Leaf-to-Water Ratio: Adjust based on personal preference for tea strength. 

2. Water Temperature: Use water just below boiling, around 95°C (203°F).

3. Brewing Time:
   - Steep Time: Steep Lapsang Souchong Black Tea for 3-4 minutes. This longer steeping time allows the flavors to fully develop and ensures a balanced infusion of both the bold smokiness and the underlying black tea flavors in the larger volume of water.

Cultural Significance

Lapsang Souchong holds a unique place in Chinese tea culture and beyond:
- Heritage: As one of the oldest black teas, it represents the rich history and traditional methods of Chinese tea production, especially from the Wuyi Mountains.
- Tradition: The smoking process is a hallmark of traditional Chinese tea craftsmanship, showcasing a distinctive method that differentiates Lapsang Souchong from other black teas.
- Global Influence: Lapsang Souchong has a strong following worldwide, particularly in the West, where its bold flavor has made it a favorite among tea connoisseurs and even influenced culinary uses, such as in marinades and sauces.


Lapsang Souchong is a remarkable tea that stands out for its bold, smoky flavor and rich cultural heritage. Its complex taste, health benefits, and unique production process make it a prized tea for enthusiasts seeking something distinctive. Proper brewing techniques allow one to fully appreciate the depth and nuances of this exceptional smoked black tea.

  • Collected: 2023
  • Origin: Fujian Province, China
  • Taste: Sweet, refreshing, mild-silky and smoky flavor unique to this tea. Flavor is associated with wood smoke, pine resin, smoked paprika, dried longan, and peated whisky.
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