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Huang Da Cha Yellow Tea

Huang Da Cha Yellow Tea

Regular price $8.00 USD
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Huang Da Cha is a rare yellow tea that has a long history and is mainly produced in Huoshan, Jinzai, and Lu'an of Anhui province. Huang Da Cha means "big yellow tea" and is characterized by its long and big leaves. Anhui province is home to some of China's most famous teas, and yellow tea is the region's signature product.

Huang Da Cha Yellow Tea is a true standout with its unique roasting process. The plucking standard of this yellow tea is one bud with two or three leaves, and its leaves are a distinctive brownish yellow, mixed with leaf stalks. The production process of Huang Da Cha strictly adheres to the yellow tea production process. The processing involves a crucial step called "men huan" (sealing yellow), where the leaves are lightly fermented and wrapped in cloth to develop their characteristic yellow hue and mellow flavor. However, unlike other yellow teas, such as Huoshan Huang Ya, Huang Da Cha is heavily roasted, giving it a rich fried fragrance, often compared to the aroma of coffee. This unique feature has earned it the nickname "coffee of tea."

The golden yellow tea liquor evolves as the tea brews, introducing a sweet, fruity accent that gradually transforms into a rich and comforting milky cacao taste. The tea maintains a smooth profile, free from bitterness or astringency, offering the soothing warmth of roasted flavors with each sip. As the aroma rises, the air is filled with the homely aroma of freshly baked bread, which gives the tea a unique charm. The tea leaves a pleasant and sweet aftertaste with a soft and juicy character. 

Besides its smooth and sweet taste, Huang Da Cha is good news for tea lovers sensitive to caffeine.

Tasting Notes

Huang Da Cha yellow tea offers a subtle and nuanced flavor profile:
- Aroma: The dry leaves give off a toasty, slightly sweet aroma with hints of nuttiness and a touch of floral fragrance.
- Flavor: When brewed, the tea presents a smooth, well-rounded taste with notes of toasted grains, sweet corn, and a mild vegetal undertone. There is a gentle sweetness that balances the toasty and slightly earthy flavors.
- Finish: The finish is clean and lingering, with a delicate sweetness that leaves a pleasant, refreshing aftertaste.

Health Benefits

Huang Da Cha yellow tea provides several health benefits:
- Antioxidants: Rich in polyphenols and catechins, which help combat oxidative stress and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
- Digestive Health: Known to aid digestion and promote gut health.
- Calm Alertness: Contains moderate caffeine levels, providing a gentle energy boost without the jitters.
- Detoxification: May support the body’s natural detoxification processes.

Brewing Tips

Chinese Gongfu Method (5oz / 150ml):

1. Tea Leaf-to-Water Ratio: Use approximately 5-7 grams of Huang Da Cha Yellow Tea for 150 ml (5 oz) of water. This ratio allows for a higher concentration suitable for Gongfu brewing.

2. Water Temperature: Heat water to around 75-80°C (167-176°F). This lower temperature range helps to preserve the delicate flavors and aroma of the yellow tea.

3. Brewing Time:
   - First Infusion: Steep for about 30-40 seconds. This initial longer steeping time allows the tightly curled leaves of Huang Da Cha to unfurl and release their flavors gradually.
   - Subsequent Infusions: Increase the steeping time slightly for each subsequent infusion. For example, steep for 40 seconds for the second infusion, then adjust based on taste preference. Huang Da Cha Yellow Tea can typically be steeped multiple times (3-4 infusions or more) using this method, with each infusion bringing out different nuances of its mellow and sweet notes.

Cup Method (8.8oz / 250ml):

1. Tea Leaf-to-Water Ratio: Adjust based on personal preference for tea strength. 

2. Water Temperature: Use water at around 75-80°C (167-176°F), similar to Gongfu brewing.

3. Brewing Time:
   - Steep Time: Steep Huang Da Cha Yellow Tea for 3-4 minutes. This longer steeping time allows the tea leaves to fully unfurl and release their delicate flavors into the larger volume of water, resulting in a smooth and pleasant cup of tea.

Cultural Significance

Huang Da Cha yellow tea holds a special place in Chinese tea culture:
- Heritage: As one of the lesser-known types of Chinese tea, it represents the rich diversity of Chinese tea traditions and the skill involved in its production.
- Ceremony: Though not as commonly used in formal tea ceremonies as other types, its unique processing method and distinctive flavor make it a valuable part of the tea connoisseur’s collection.
- Rarity: Yellow tea, in general, is relatively rare compared to other Chinese teas, making Huang Da Cha a prized find for tea enthusiasts.


Huang Da Cha yellow tea is a delightful and unique tea that showcases the artistry and tradition of Chinese tea-making. Its subtle yet complex flavor profile, coupled with its health benefits and cultural significance, makes it a valuable addition to any tea lover’s repertoire. Proper brewing techniques allow one to fully appreciate the delicate nuances and historical importance of this exceptional yellow tea.


  • Collected: 2024
  • Origin: Huoshan County, LuAn City, Anhui province
  • Taste: Nice roasted rice crust aroma, aromatic notes of coffee and chocolate.  
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