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Golden Monkey Black Tea

Golden Monkey Black Tea

Regular price $7.50 USD
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Golden Monkey Black Tea is a renowned Chinese black tea, known for its leaves that resemble monkey paws. Originating from the Fujian province of China, Golden Monkey is considered one of the finest high-quality black teas. Each spring, the tea is meticulously hand-processed, with only one leaf and one bud carefully collected. The term "Monkey" refers to the fluffy golden fuzz on the leaves.

This tea is highly prized, as evidenced by its second-place finish in the Signature Famous Teas – Hot Tea Class of the 2009 World Tea Championship. 


- Appearance: The leaves are a mix of dark brown and golden tips, tightly rolled, and somewhat curly, resembling monkey paws.
- Aroma: The tea has a sweet, malty aroma with undertones of cocoa, honey, and sometimes floral notes.
- Flavor: Golden Monkey black tea offers a smooth, rich taste with layers of malt, chocolate, caramel, and a hint of fruity sweetness. The full-bodied flavor is balanced with a slight natural sweetness, leading to a lingering, pleasant aftertaste.
- Liquor: When brewed, the tea yields a bright, reddish-amber color, indicating its rich flavor and high quality.

Tasting Notes

- Malt: Prominent maltiness, often described as warm and robust.
- Chocolate: Subtle notes of dark chocolate, adding depth and complexity.
- Caramel: A smooth, sweet caramel note that balances the malt and chocolate.
- Fruity: A hint of fruitiness, often likened to ripe stone fruits or berries.
- Honey: A delicate honey-like sweetness that enhances the overall flavor profile.

Health Benefits

Golden Monkey black tea is not only enjoyed for its taste but also for its potential health benefits:
- Antioxidants: Rich in polyphenols, which help fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
- Heart Health: May improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels.
- Digestive Aid: Can aid digestion and support gut health.
- Energy Boost: Contains caffeine, providing a gentle energy boost without the jitters associated with coffee.
- Mental Alertness: Theanine content can promote relaxation and improve mental focus.

Brewing Tips

Chinese Gongfu Method (5oz / 150ml):

1. Tea Leaf-to-Water Ratio: Use approximately 5-7 grams of Golden Monkey Black Tea for 150 ml (5 oz) of water. This ratio allows for a higher concentration suitable for Gongfu brewing.

2. Water Temperature: Heat water to around 90-95°C (194-203°F). This temperature range helps to extract the full-bodied flavors and aroma of the black tea.

3. Brewing Time:
   - First Infusion: Steep for about 30-40 seconds. This initial short steeping time allows the tightly twisted leaves of Golden Monkey to begin unfurling and releasing their flavors gradually.
   - Subsequent Infusions: Increase the steeping time slightly for each subsequent infusion. For example, steep for 40-50 seconds for the second infusion, then adjust based on taste preference. Golden Monkey Black Tea can typically be steeped multiple times (3-4 infusions or more) using this method, with each infusion bringing out different layers of its malty and sweet notes.

Cup Method (8.8oz / 250ml):

1. Tea Leaf-to-Water Ratio: Adjust based on personal preference for tea strength. 

2. Water Temperature: Use water just below boiling, around 95°C (203°F).

3. Brewing Time:
   - Steep Time: Steep Golden Monkey Black Tea for 3-4 minutes. This longer steeping time allows the tea leaves to fully unfurl and release their rich, malty flavors into the larger volume of water, resulting in a robust and aromatic cup of tea.

Cultural Significance

Golden Monkey black tea holds cultural importance in China and among tea connoisseurs worldwide:
- Historical Roots: The tea has a long history dating back centuries, often associated with high-quality production techniques in Fujian and Yunnan provinces.
- Symbolism: The name "Golden Monkey" symbolizes luck and good fortune in Chinese culture. The golden tips of the tea leaves are especially prized, indicating superior quality.
- Ceremonial Use: It is often used in traditional Chinese tea ceremonies and as a gift to signify respect and honor.

In summary, Golden Monkey black tea is a luxurious and culturally significant tea, cherished for its rich, complex flavor and numerous health benefits. Properly brewed, it offers a delightful and refined tea experience.


  • Collected: 2024
  • Origin: Fujian province, China
  • Taste: savory roasted apples, palm sugar, walnuts, cocoa, rye and spice notes
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